Visit to Pakistan by Asmat Zehra

June 18, 2011


Pakistan is gift of nature. Only few countries in this world have such an ideal geographical location and superb climate. It has all four seasons. All sort of scenario including Sea, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Hill stations, and Deserts. Travelling to be really worth. However due to negative images, tourists are afraid travelling to Pakistan. Pakistan […]

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Is Pakistan Safe? by Asmat Zehra

June 18, 2011


Pakistan is one of the most significant country in the world these days particularly due to war against terrorism. Even Pakistan is one of the main issues of current USA politics. This is evident from the statements of US politicians and current debates between US Presidential candidates. Globally it appears that Pakistan is under fire […]

Posted in: World

Talk-text technology heading for your Nissan

March 24, 2011


Technology is a funny thing. Sometimes new knowledge makes the world a safer place. For example airbag technology has come a long way and now front and side airbags come standard on most vehicles. Also, new technology in automobiles can tell drivers when they are drifting into neighboring lanes, when changing lanes is a bad […]

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Wi-Fi Technology: Technology for next generation

March 24, 2011


WI-FI is a modern day technology and an alternative to cables in order to connect computers in a network. It represents the future of computer and internet connectivity worldwide. Wi-Fi allows building a local area connection without wires which in turn reduces the cost of network deployment and expansion. Spaces wherein cabling is not possible […]

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Introduction to Web 2.0

March 19, 2011


What is web 2.0? The term “Web 2.0” suggests that there was something at an earlier time called “Web 1.0.” In fact, there wasn’t. There was simply the Internet, or the “World Wide Web,” which started modestly, and grew like Topsy. “Web 2.0” is a name coined several years ago by a gentleman called Tim […]

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Why You Should Choose Web 2.0 Marketing

March 19, 2011


The Internet has moved into a new era with Web 2.0; from shopping to social networking you can see the improvements and changes for yourself. Previously, the World Wide Web depended on a one way communication and the technology wasn’t as advanced as today. Thanks to Web 2.0 the Internet is now a much more […]

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What Exactly is Web 2.0?

March 19, 2011


What Exactly is Web 2.0? Network marketing and online businesses and websites are everywhere on the World Wide Web and a big part of their success is due to the valuable platform called Web2.0. However, for as many people that are using Web 2.0, there are an equal number of people that don’t truly understand […]

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Explore the world of Web 2.0

March 19, 2011


Fort Lauderdale Advertising Agency Blog Web 2.0 Icons   Web 2.0 is really one of the most misunderstood terms floating around the Internet at the moment. We have had a wide variety of questions and comments related to Web 2.0. Things like * Do I have to go somewhere to download this new version of […]

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What is Web 2.0

March 19, 2011


I was recently asked what web 2.0 stood for and I found myself groping for a credible explanation. Snippets of information, I had read all along flashed through my mind, but still, I found myself at complete loss of words. “Does web 2.0 mean anything at all”, a thought coupled with the request of my […]

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The Various advantages Of Web 2.0

March 19, 2011


The proponents of web 2.0 are talking about web 2.0 advantages and how it is the next best thing after the Dot Com explosion. However, before we get into the advantages associated with web 2.0, let us briefly discuss what web 2.0 is all about. In very simple term, web 2.0 allows visitors actively participate […]

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