two flowers photgraphy

March 13, 2011


Posted in: my post

2220 Children die in India everyday

March 13, 2011


Some scary facts to put that in perspective: The mortality rate in India for children under five years of age is 69 per 1,000 births, and 410,000 of them die of pneumonia alone each year. Then there is diarrhoea, which claims around 400,000 children typically under the age of five each year. In other words, […]

Posted in: issues

78,000 Mothers die every year in India

March 13, 2011


According to a recent report in Lancet medical journal, more than half of all maternal deaths in 2008 were reported from just six countries: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In India, every year about 78,000 women die during pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days after delivery. And 75 per […]

Posted in: issues

Interesting facts about Japan

March 13, 2011


Interesting facts about Japan   Japan is an Asian country that has many interesting facts concerning it. Did you know that it is considered quite rude to blow your nose in public? Did you know that in 1192 Yortomo was named the first shogun by the emperor?  His family ( the Minamoto clan) governed Japan. […]

Posted in: my post

Changing Negative Attitudes In 3 Simple Steps by Michael Lee

March 11, 2011


Changing Negative Attitudes In 3 Simple Steps   by Michael Lee Changing negative attitudes is not impossible, but it is not a piece of cake either. If you really want to change yourself for the better, you have to be 100% on it. This can’t just be a one-time thing where you’ll immediately give up after […]


Plastic Bags – Ban or Not to Ban?

March 9, 2011


Plastic Bags – Ban or Not to Ban? It seems government officials from around the world are all scratching their heads contemplating the perfect solution to the reduction of plastic bags. A recent poll on Wall Street Journal asked readers, “Should plastic grocery bags be banned?” Of the 1,378 readers that participated in the poll, […]

Posted in: Go Green

Shutting Down Plastic Bag Manufacturers – New Delhi, India

March 9, 2011


Shutting Down Plastic Bag Manufacturers – New Delhi, India The Indian government banned the use of plastic bags in various markets, shopping malls, hotels and hospitals in January of 2009. Two years later, with the law being nearly impossible to enforce, the government plans to shut down 400 plastic bag manufacturers across New Delhi, India. […]

Posted in: issues

Recycling Plastic Bag Facts

March 9, 2011


Recycling Plastic Bag Facts Categories: Recycling Some of the facts below will scare you. Read at your own risk. How many plastic bags are consumed each year worldwide? The worldwide usage of plastic bags is estimated to be between 500 billion to 1 trillion every single year. Let’s just say the world consumes 1 trillion […]

Posted in: Go Green

Frequently asked questions about Pakistan Where is Pakistan

March 9, 2011


Pakistan is located at the latitude of 23° – 27° North and 61° – 76° east in the Northern Hemisphere. Its occupies an area of 796095 Square KMs or 31043 Square Miles. It shares a long border with India in the east, In the south there is the Arabian sea , the South west is […]

Posted in: World

Public Enemy Number One: The American Press

March 9, 2011


Public Enemy Number One: The American Press.

Posted in: World